Weigh In #24

February 08, 2005 8:50 a.m.

Whew. It is hard to update on Saturdays now! Things are usually just so busy I don't get a chance.

Must change that.


DH was out of the hospital for one week exactly. On Thursday (my birthday, no less) he had to go to Stanford to be admitted. His cancer has returned, and they're going to give him a new type of chemo to see if they can't get him in remission so that they can do the bone marrow transplant.

The good news? One of his brothers is a match.

The bad? He's going to be there 4-6 weeks receiving chemo, then when they do the transplant, he'll be in another 30 days at least. After he's released, he'll need to go to outpatient care daily for 2-3 months.

No clue what we're going to do when that time comes. He has some family in the bay area, so hopefully we'll figure something out.

Okay, back to weight loss. My week went fine, even with the surprise trip to Stanford. I didn't lose nearly what I was hoping, but I'm okay with that. Sort of. It's a new week, and last week isn't important. I know I'll lose the rest of that gain this week, and I just need to start exercising more. The gym is out now, except for weekends, so I need to get my DVD player hooked up to the TV.

Can't be lazy.

Weekly Review:

Saturday: 49 points (earned 2 AP)
Sunday: 33 points (earned 3 AP)
Monday: 32 points (earned 3 AP)
Tuesday: 32 points
Wednesday: 32 points
Thursday: 32 points
Friday: 35 points


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