Weigh In #23

January 31, 2005 7:59 a.m.

It's hard to write this now that this week is over, but I know I need to. I'm back on track now completely, and not struggling anymore. But that wasn't the case last week.

The 'hungry all the time can't live without food' thing didn't end with those 2 days or so last week. Nope. The fun just kept on. I'm proud of myself for journalling, but it was so incredibly hard.

I gained 1.8 this week. I'm actually surprised it wasn't more. I ate. A lot. Not quite the way I used to, and I did manage to maintain control a couple of days. But I ate too much.

It was harder getting weighed this time around, knowing I had gained, than the first time I walked into Weight Watchers.

But I'm moving on.

DH came home Thursday! Such a complete surprise, considering he was supposed to be there for so much longer. We're going to Stanford sometime next week to meet with their doctors and see what the plan is. Hopefully he'll get to be home at least a couple of weeks, but I know the sooner he gets the transplant the better. We still don't know if one of his brothers is a match. They got the results for them back, and they don't match each other. But something happened to DH's results and they don't know whether one of his brother's will be his donor or not. DH has an appointment tomorrow, we should know then.

We're in our new apartment! Yay! That's what's taken me so long to get this update posted. The cable guy came Saturday, but we've just been so busy. Things are finally in living order, although our garage is piled full of stuff, and the idea that a car is supposed to go in there is a joke. But that will change.

Unpacking sucks.

I went to the exercise room they have here Saturday. I was the only one there, which is a good thing. The equipment isn't quite what I was expecting, but that's okay. The treadmill has a weight limit of 300 lbs, but I'm using it anyway. I don't *think* that 12 or so pounds can really make that much of a difference. It sticks sometimes when it first starts to run, but I think that's just what it does with everyone. After about 5 minutes or so, it doesn't do that.

Well, on to the damage so I can be done with this week.

Weekly Review:

Saturday: 54 points
Sunday: 40 points
Monday: 32 points
Tuesday: 32 points
Wednesday: 32 points
Thursday: 48 points
Friday: 42 points

(In case you don't want to count, that's 21 points OVER the weekly 35. Ouch.)


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