Yay me!

January 07, 2005 11:14 p.m.

I am just so exhausted tonight. My mom and I took a HUGE LOAD of clothes (meaning 8 big black garbage bags of stuff) down to the laundromat today and washed it all. It took nearly 5 hours. So I'm counting that as my exercise because I am just so sore from it all. I did some squats last night, and I think the combination of that and all the heavy lifting today is what's causing the pain in the tops of my thighs.


My proud-of-me moment today:

I was taking DH dinner tonight, because even though they've removed the low sodium diet restriction (I was right, there was no reason for him to be on it, his oncologist pretty much said that the ER doc who did it was crazy - but in a nicer way of course), his dinners aren't appealing to him at all. He hadn't eaten at all today, so I went out and bought him some Carl's Jr.

I had just missed the end of visiting hours (acutally 15 minutes til, but the doors were locked early on the bottom level), so I had to park at the far parking lot and walk my way up a flight of stairs to the lobby so I could get a visitors pass. I climbed an entire flight of stairs without stopping once, and I climbed them FAST because I was so darned mad that they had locked the doors at the other entrance early. It wasn't until I got to the top and looked down that I realized I had climbed that whole thing without stopping. Couldn't stop smiling after that :) Even better, I was only breathing a little heavy, not huffing and puffing like I had been in the past :)

I tell ya, there is something to all this exercise.


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