Weigh In #19

January 03, 2005 9:20 a.m.

Went to weigh-in and I'm down another 1.6 lbs. It's frustrating having smaller losses now that I'm exercising, but it's great knowing that it's FAT coming off because I'm doing more than just watching my food intake.

I didn't get to stay for the meeting because my mom had to leave for work, and as it was she was doing me a favor by staying long enough for me to go get weighed. Going to my meeting, in the rain, with 2 kids... not fun. I'm just thankful she's helping as much as she can :) Unfortunately, she's gone for the week now (she's a truckdriver) so I'm on my own until DH gets out of the hospital. Shouldn't be too hard, but we'll see.

An update on DH: they still don't know what's causing his lymph nodes to be swollen on one side, and not the other. So they're running MORE tests and should be getting ahold of his oncologist sometime today. The guy was on vacation for the past 2 or 3 weeks, so it all depends on when he gets back. DH thinks they're starving him - his bp was high when he was first checked in triage, so they've put him on a low sodium diet. At least I'm guessing that's why he's on low sodium. His bp has been fine since then though, so hopefully they'll let him have real food soon. He's never been hypertensive - the high bp was due to stress I'm sure.

Thank you to everyone who left comments after my entry last night :) It's good to know there are people out there praying for him.

The challenge this week will be cooking something healthy for me and the 3 year old. I'm not used to making small meals - I usually make a lb or so of whatever meat we're having that night, and DH either finishes it that night or we have it for lunch the next day. At least the kid's not picky.

Weekly Review:

Monday: 36 points (2 APs earned)
Tuesday: 34 points (2 APs earned)
Wednesday: 33 points (3 APs earned)
Thursday: 32 points
Friday: 34 points (2 APs earned)
Saturday: 41 points (3 APs earned)
Sunday: 29 points


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