Crappy way to start the New Year...

January 02, 2005 10:41 p.m.

Well the fun of 2004 just keeps on being fun in 2005.

DH went to the ER today because his lymph nodes were swollen and painful. They admitted him because his blood work just doesn't look right, and given his history they don't want to take a chance with letting him go home.


We have no clue how long he'll be there. Hopefully just overnight. It depends on when they get ahold of his Dr, what his Dr plans on doing, and how serious this all really is.

Some background info, in case you missed it - hell, I'm not even sure if I DID mention it - but anyways, DH was diagnosed with leukemia in July 2004, was in remission in August, and has been having some problems with his liver for the past month so he hasn't been on chemo. There's a very real possibility that the cancer has come back.

This makes hell on caring if *I* get healthy right now. I did fine with my eating today, if you can consider not eating hardly much at all doing fine. I had a teeny nasty little chicken sandwich with some fries while we were waiting for DH to get into a room in the ER, a small bag of graham cracker cookies while we were waiting to get a room on the oncology ward, and a couple of slices of pizza after I came home because I had to watch the kids because my mom couldn't do it anymore. She's come down with a cold and is feeling like crap, so she could only take so much.

About 20 minutes after I left DH in the ER, he called to let me know he'd been put into a room in another unit altogether because all the beds on the oncology floor have been taken.


At least he's in his own room so I don't have to worry about some disease-ridden roommate infecting him with all kinds of disgusting germs and other nasty things.


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