Get Moving! Walking for Weight Loss

December 21, 2004 12:42 p.m.

DH let me open one of my presents last night :) I was complaining about having to do yet another WATP DVD, and he gave in. He gave me 'Get Moving! Walking for Weight Loss'.

It has 4 10 minute segments, and you're able to program the workout you want. For instance, you can go in order from 1-4, or you can mix and match. The last segment is stretching. It kicked my butt! I think I may have been working out TOO hard, because afterwards I had trouble breathing. This DVD is going to last me a long time. There are 3 women in the video, and they each do a pace - slow, normal, and fast. It's nothing like WATP. The instructor isn't nearly as annoying, and the scenery is better. It's pretty easy, too. Like I've said before, I'm not coordinated, but I was able to pick up all the steps on the first try. The only one that gave me trouble is this step where you have to step into a V shape. I got it by the end, but my arms still need to figure out what they're doing.


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