Weigh In #17

December 20, 2004 11:16 a.m.

I did it! I got my 10%!! I lost 2 lbs this week, bringing my total to 36 lbs. I wanted my 10% by Christmas, and I got it :) Definitely one of the best gifts I could receive!

I haven't had that great of a week, but it hasn't been that bad, either. I only got 2 days of exercise in - can I just say now that while it's not a habit, it's not as hard to get myself to exercise? I pushed myself extra hard each time though, and did more than my usual workout. I also got a set of 3 lb weights this week, and it's really surprising how much harder I have to work using those things.

DH bought me a couple of DVDs for Christmas, but I can't have them til then. All I know for sure is that one is a cardio hip-hop dance thing, and the other is similar to WATP. I hope they're not too hard for me to do. I'm not very coordinated, but they both sound fun. I'm not worried at all about the walking DVD, it's the hip-hop one that has me nervous. I can't dance to save my life, but I'm hoping I'm able to pull this one off enough that I can enjoy myself while I'm using it. I'm just bored to tears with WATP. It's been nearly 2.5 years now since I got my first set of WATP videos. It's time for a change!

I don't know what goal I want to set next. I'd like to have my next 10% as a goal, but 287 seems hard. Just having that 2 as the first number is going to be awesome. Maybe I'll just make 299.8 my goal for now, then worry about the 287. I haven't been under 300 in YEARS. Even though my next 10% is 31.9 lbs, and I feel I can do that easily because I've already lost more than that, and it hasn't been too hard - my goal is going to be 299.8. My birthday is February 3rd, so that gives me 6 weeks to lose 18.8 lbs. That seems like a lot to lose in a short amount of time, but I don't really have another date that has any meaning to me. As I get closer to my birthday, and I'm not quite there yet, I might set it back to Valentine's Day. Either way, it helps me to have a date in mind so that I stay focused as much as possible.

My mom gave me an early Christmas present this weekend - a WW home scale. It seems to be 0.4 lbs off the scale down at the WW Center, so as long as I realize that I should be fine. I'm considering going to the pay-as-you-go plan and paying $14 every 4 weeks. That way I keep my membership current, but save some money in the process.

My goal for this week is to survive the holiday! We're already receiving goodies from family members trying to spread the holiday cheer. I had a few pieces of peppermint bark yesterday, a TEENY piece today, and tossed the rest. None of us need all that sugar, and I feel bad throwing it away when I know someone worked hard to prepare it, but really ... it's going to be gone whether it gets eaten or it gets tossed.

Weekly Review:

Monday: 38 points (6 Flex)
Tuesday: 32 points (earned 5 APs)
Wednesday: 32 points
Thursday: 31 points (earned 5 APs)
Friday: 36 points (4 Flex)
Saturday: 32 points
Sunday: 32 points


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