Weigh In #16

December 13, 2004 9:17 a.m.

I had my best week yet - but only lost 1.1 lbs. I'm trying so hard to not feel depressed over this. I mean, I LOST weight. I should be happy, right?

I know I have 2 options - I can either continue doing what I've been doing, with this past week as my model - or I can fall off and wallow in self pity and junk food.

The end result of the first path is that I'll lose weight this next week, and most likely acheive the 10% goal I was expecting this week. The end result of the other is that I'll gain weight, and be even more depressed than I am right now.

Things aren't looking so bad anymore. I've got to focus on the positives, and I was thinking about this as I drove to my meeting. I've done GREAT this week, because I've had the extra little push of being so close to my 10% goal. No matter what the scale says, I'm doing well.

This small loss is just another way to push me to do well this week too. It doesn't allow me breathing room to give up on myself.

I am damn proud of myself.

Weekly Review:

Monday: 32 points
Tuesday: 34 points (earned 3 APs)
Wednesday: 41 points (earned 4 APs, used 5 flex)
Thursday: 34 points (earned 3 APs)
Friday: 32 points
Saturday: 36 points (earned 4 APs)
Sunday: 32 points


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