Weigh In #14

November 29, 2004 10:32 a.m.

I did pretty well this week :) Down another 4 lbs. I think it may have been more, but I wasn't able to get my water in this past weekend. I just feel bloated.

On Wednesday, I was cooking ALL DAY LONG. I made a pumpkin pie, a peach cobbler, stuffing, mashed sweet potatoes, macaroni & cheese, candied carrots, and a green bean casserole. I love to cook, but give me a break! I somehow got stuck doing all the sides for Turkey Day.

We left early Thursday morning for my brother-in-law's house. Got the turkey started, and began work on the mashed potatoes, baked zucchini, and breakfast besides.

I did okay with my eating. Not as good as I wanted to (I had planned on using 10 FPs), but better than I could have done had I not been concious of what I was putting into my mouth. I had a little bit of nearly everything, and the things I didn't eat were because I had loaded up with ingredients I don't like, like onions. What I am upset about is that I didn't think ahead of time and plan myself a better breakfast, and wound up eating pancakes and whole milk.

There's always next year.

For Christmas, I'm planning on making a couple of huge pans of lasagna, and serving garlic toast. We're not having this long drawn out feast, just something tasty that my in-laws don't normally eat. I'm thinking about doing a vegetarian lasagna (a small one) but I have yet to find a recipe I like enough to consider it for Christmas Day dinner.

For Christmas Eve we'll be with my mom and stepdad. It's just going to the be 6 of us (counting the 2 kids) and so we'll probably just rent some movies and go out to eat. That shouldn't be a problem.

Okay... bigger news this week than that I've lost 4 lbs... I exercised 3 times and earned 10 APs!! I met my goal!! It was a struggle, and I nearly gave up... but last night I wasn't going to let myself let another week go by without meeting my goal, so I reluctantly did my WATP.

Weekly Review:

Monday: 36 points (3 FP)
Tuesday: 34 points (1 AP, and earned 3 uneaten APs)
Wednesday: 33 points
Thursday: 50 points (17 FPs)
Friday: 34 points (1 AP, and earned uneaten 2 APs)
Saturday: 33 points
Sunday: 33 points (and earned 3 uneaten APs)


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