25 lb. Reward

October 14, 2004 6:54 p.m.

We went to Wal-Mart yesterday to buy my reward for losing 25 lbs. I decided at the last minute that I wasn't up to paying 30 bucks for a digital food scale. I'm just not that obsessed with weighing my food. Does it really matter if that chicken breast weighs 3.18 ounces, or just 3 ounces?

I wound up buying a bunch of little goodies for cooking. I did get a food scale, but just an ordinary manual (or whatever they're called) scale, some new whisks, a new cookie sheet, vegetable peeler, wood cutting board, wire colander, mixing bowls, and measuring cup. Woo. Lots of little goodies :)

I also got a big bottle of cucumber-scented bubble bath. Yum :) And a loofah on a stick.

Now all I need is the time to get away from the kids (and DH) for a good hour or so and have a nice hot bath and a good book :)


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