October 08, 2004 4:30 p.m.

Me: So is this coconut thing a fruit or a nut?
DH: A fruit.
Me: But it's oily, and it makes Coconut oil. Nuts are oily, too. CocoNUT.
DH: Yeah, so? It's still a fruit.
Me: But it can't be.
DH: Yeah well, who knows then. It's good.

Point is - I don't know what that stupid thing was, but it was 3 points an OUNCE the best I can figure. The WW E-tools food finder thingy doesn't list fresh coconut. Do people not eat fresh coconut? So I figured that 3 ounces is 3 ounces, and 3 ounces shredded has to weigh the same as 3 ounces NOT shredded. Only makes sense, right? And of course I ate 3 whole ounces before coming to the conclusion that it might possibly not be a fruit, and might possibly contain a buttload of points.

Ouch. 9 points on coconut. If anyone knows the mystery of the coconut, tell me. I'd love to prove DH wrong.


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