New & Improved (no, really!)

September 3, 2004 6:05 p.m.

Whew, so I said I was going to do a complete re-haul, and I did. It wasn't nearly as painful as I was expecting. I wasn't going to re-do the site, and was just going to let it go, but I just can't stay away. I told myself when I first started my weight loss site that I would continue it at least til I reached goal, and that's what I plan on doing - as hard as it may be. I don't have any of the links to my archives up for a reason - I don't want them to be a reminder. I want to feel like I'm completely starting out fresh and I don't want to drag along any past failures with me, or have any past successes making me anxious.

I've had a good reason for the long lag between entries. On July 16th, my husband went to the ER for a bloody nose and didn't come home until a month later. Turns out he has leukemia. Things have been pretty stressful around here, but he's now in remission so at least there is some good happening to us finally.

I re-joined Weight Watchers on August 23rd. I felt such a relief to sign up again. I've missed being on the program, and I actually look forward to going to the meetings each week. The topics are usually run of the mill stuff that nearly everyone who has ever spent time dieting before knows already, but it's a good reinforcement. I weigh more now than I did the last time I joined (last fall), but considering I just had a baby and all the other stuff that's been going on, I'm not going to beat myself up over it. At least that's what I'm telling myself, anyway.

*Knock on wood* that I'll be able to be more regular with writing in this thing :)


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