Happy (sort of) Anniversary!

July 12, 2004 1:26 p.m.

Wow, 2 years since I created my site. Time flies, and things change. Amazing. Of course, my weight has actually gone UP since I first started, but I'm not going to dwell on that. Nope. No reason to let myself get depressed over something that I'm currently in the process of changing. As for my new layout, ain't it cute?!

It seems fitting to change things around a bit today. I'm not happy with Angelfire anymore, and haven't been for a while. So I'm going to do a complete rehaul and only rely on Angelfire for the exercise, weight, and measurements log. Everything else is going to be on here, I think.

Anyway, my first week back OP ended Saturday. I did pretty good, considering we had KFC two nights in a row. Those boneless BBQ wings are killer. Man. Yum. Friday night my husband and I had a date night, only at home. We rented a couple movies (Barbershop 2, and My Baby's Daddy) and got some of those wings. The movies were OKAY, but it was great being able to kick back on the couch and manage to stay awake past 10 pm. The baby has been great, but between (breast)pumping once in the night - I really should do it more often, but my lazy butt got depressed and moody when I tried doing that because it meant so little sleep for me, and a tired, depressed mama is worse than a happy, less-tired one. So while it means my milk may dry up sooner than I'd like, I have to do what I can. Of course, with my milk those extra 10 points will also go, but that's not something I want to think about.

Saturday night my husband's brother and his family came over to visit it the new baby. They all went swimming, and I overate later because it'd been so long between meals and I felt like I was starving. Blah. I still didn't do too badly though considering.


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