Small Loss, but it's a Loss

September 7, 2004 4:40 p.m.

Because of the holiday yesterday, I didn't get to go to my weekly WW meeting. Instead I went to another meeting VERY early this morning. Yeah, I'm obsessive a bit. I don't like to eat anything before I weigh in, and I didn't want to wait til the meeting at noon because of it. I didn't like the leader, so I'm not planning on switching or anything... just had to go and use that darned scale.

It showed a 0.6 lb loss. I haven't had the best week because I've had to struggle the whole time, but I think I did much better than 0.6 lbs. I should just be happy it's a loss and not a gain. The last time around with WW, I gained 2 lbs the 2nd week by staying completely OP the entire time. I don't know how many flexies I used, but I doubt it was more than 5 or 10 - that whole newbie thing where you're scared to eat them thing. I was to the point where I could comfortably eat about half and show a good loss before. This past week I ate about 5 of them, and I only lose 0.6. WTF. Hopefully it'll show up next week - the body has a way of working like that.

I'm so tempted to start eating less. I'm following the WW Nursing program, which gives me 10 extra points a day because I'm my baby's only source of food right now. Nursing is supposed to burn approx. 500 calories per day - just by doing nothing but being a milk making mama :) Sounds great, and those extra 10 points would make an ordinary person maintain, or come close to it at least. I don't want to hurt my milk supply, so I'm not actually going to stop eating those points... but man is it tempting! Giving my baby formula after all we've been through is just not an option. (He was born premature, spent about 2 weeks in the NICU, had a bottle up until 5.5 weeks, we worked with a lactation consultant for about 4 weeks, and he's been bottle-free for nearly 2 weeks now) I'd rather burn the extra calories, and avoid the chemicals-in-the-can.

Just frustrated with the thought that I'll be losing this slowly til we wean :(


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