Weigh In #8

October 18, 2004 10:15 a.m.

I'm starting to wonder if I should just change my meeting time. Again I woke up right at 9 am. The baby decided last night was going to be the night he slept 8+ hours in a row. Of course. I woke up engorged enough to make Dolly Parton envious. I'm not small chested by any means, but when I get engorged... watch out. Point is, the baby didn't nurse before I left for my meeting, so I weighed in with two 2-ton bricks on my chest.

I'm down 0.8 lbs this week. Small loss, but I'm very happy with it. I'm starting to get concerned that I'm losing too fast. My hair has been falling out for the past few weeks, and at first I thought it was just the typical hair loss that comes after those pregnancy hormones leave your body. But this is way too much hair. If it keeps up for much longer I'm going to have to see a doctor.

I exercised once this week. Better than none, but still not my goal. So... guess what this week's goal is going to be?

Yup, to exercise 3 times.

Weekly Review:

Monday: 41 points
Tuesday: 45 points (2 APs)
Wednesday: 41 points
Thursday: 45 points (2 FPs)
Friday: 43 points
Saturday: 43 points
Sunday: 42 points


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